In the previous article we disquisito on terminology meaning "massage Tire" and its "synonyms" used in the aesthetic field such as: gomming, anti-gravitational massage, vacuum-therapy. We also explained what it is, what it does and with what products you can run. This article will deepen the practical part of the argument and explains how and where to run it helpful.

To fight sagging skin

The progressive loss of water and the reduction of elastic structures, relaxation of muscle fibers and hormonal stress, disarrange connections and glandular tissue lipid aggressions due to exogenous and endogenous metabolic, to the action of free radicals and to the gravitational pressure at which all individuals living on earth are constantly subjected. These are the main causes of loss of skin firmness but mostly of the fall of the breast and buttocks. Against these killer born a series of programs proposed by various cosmetic companies, which normalize the physiological parameters of the skin and exploit the adhesiveness of sugars, to allow adhesion to the hands and effectively carry out the pneumatic massage. The pneumatic massage is a system that relaxes, moisturizes, de-toxin and promotes tissue metabolism. You can run: - on the face to restore turgidity, - to reshape the breasts thanks to the lure of water, - on the buttocks to pull on thanks to the anti-gravity - wherever we want to give a fresh energy boost. This treatment can only be performed on healthy skin. A slight redness is normal after the massage and application of softening products will be enough to eliminate it. However, if the redness is more intense and you feel the skin "pinch" means the manual have been too vigorous or that the skin is too delicate. In all phases of the massage, the movement is this:

awards and softly and slowly raises his hand for heavily draining action,
bonuses and raises in a more rhythmic to have more stimulating,

For the effectiveness of massage it is essential to use a product that creates a lot of grip as mineralizing mixture with honey.

The Pneumatic facial massage

The facial pneumatic massage is a great weapon against wrinkles because it effectively counteracts the progressive collapse of the skin, rebalancing the surface homeostasis, and restores the tension and firmness of the skin by removing the aging factors. Pairing the cosmetic anti-aging, such as the Serum all 'Hyaluronic Acid and Cream Marine Collagen and Ginseng Extract, can be realized in a unique and functional way all the delicate maneuvers of dissection, emptying and dell' epidermis stimulation ranging to activate cell trophism and hyperemia that promotes physiological nutrition and oxygenation of skin districts. The technique is made possible thanks to the brand new cosmetic adhesives and allows the beautician to perform, for the first time, the skin of the expansion dexterity according antigravity lines.

massaggio pneumatico al viso

The treatment involves the face, neck and cleavage, and exploits over action of hyaluronic acid, a molecule with great capacity to bind water, also that of marine collagen, a substance very similar to that present in our dermis. Both, associated with an original and unique pneumatic-massage, pursue the rejuvenation of the skin and restores the proper skin tension in the face.

As you run the pneumatic massage to the face

Superato di 996 caratteri il massimo di 5000 consentito:
l centro della bocca (tra naso e labbra) con una sequenza, quindi sposta i polpastrelli tra il centro e la parte terminale della bocca e poi ripeti gli stessi movimenti nella parte inferiore delle labbra. Sempre con l’indice e il medio inizia dal centro del mento quindi spostati verso i lati della bocca. Questo massaggio aiuta ad attenuare i piccoli solchi sul labbro superiore e ha un piacevole effetto rimpolpante sulle labbra. Appoggia i polpastrelli delle dita medie sulle rughe che si formano tra le sopracciglia, premi e solleva per più volte. Poi, tenendo le mani orizzontali sulla fronte, appoggia tutte le dita sulle rughe e, tenendo fermi i polpastrelli, premi e solleva con il resto delle dita. Ripeti la sequenza più volte e, se occorre, sposta le mani e ripeti fino a coprire tutta la zona. Il massaggio sulla fronte distende i tratti di tutto il viso, regalandoci un aspetto più giovane e rilassato. In poche parole, il massaggio pneumatico abbinato a buoni cosmetici fa miracoli!

1- Take the right amount of Remineralizing mixture with honey and spread it on his hands and fingertips.

2- With the middle finger resting on the nasolabial fold and forefinger under the cheekbone, hold latches the fingertips and lifts the fingers from the bottom upwards; repeat the movement several times, then moves his fingers in the middle of the cheeks (also uses the annulus) and repeat several times, and finally moves the fingers toward the jaw and repeat. This sequence helps to fill the gap that the sides of the nose reaches the mouth and to flesh out the cheek area, right where the fabric quickly lose turgor.

3- With the fingertips of the index and the mean resting on the cheekbone, make a massage sequence for each zone starting from the root of the nose, then passing the center of the cheekbone and finally towards the temple, being very careful to touch the area around the eyes. The massage in these areas of the face is very effective to mitigate the so-called "expression lines".

4- With the fingertips of the index and middle fingers, begins starting from the center of the mouth (between the nose and lips) with a sequence, then moves the fingertips between the center and the terminal part of the mouth and then repeat the same movements in the lower part lips. 5- Always with the index and middle fingers starts from the center of the chin and then moved towards the sides of the mouth. This massage helps ease the small grooves on the upper lip and has a nice plumping effect on your lips.

6- He puts the pads of middle fingers on the wrinkles that form between the eyebrows, bonuses and raises for several times. Then, holding hands horizontal forehead, leans all the fingers on the wrinkles and, while holding the finger tips, bonuses and raises with the rest of the fingers. Repeat the sequence several times and, if necessary, move your hands and repeat until it covers the whole area.

The massage on the forehead relaxes the features of the entire face, giving a more youthful and relaxed look. In a nutshell, the pneumatic massage combined with good cosmetic works wonders!

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