- Igiene e sicurezza
By law, any business with employees, production or sales, has an obligation to hold a first-aid kit positioned so prominently in an easily accessible place. Of first aid kits but there are various models; what is the best for your business? With this article we will summarize and explain how to interpret the legislative decree 626 of 19 September 1994 and subsequent amendments of the Decree 388 of 15 July 2003 for first aid in the activities with employees.
Legislation on first aid - at a glance
Article 15 in the present Decree 626 of 19 September 1194 imposes on the employer the necessary measures to ensure first aid and emergency medical care within his company. Despite the more than one hundred articles, èfacilmente summarized and applicable in a few simple steps. Indeed, the Directive provides for a clear-cut distinction between companies (business with employees) with three or more workers and businesses with fewer than three workers. In addition to personnel training and other measures to be evaluated together with the company doctor, the former are bound to ensure the availability of first-aid kit containing the minimum equipment specified in Annex 1, other than smaller as provided in Annex 2. The Decree Ministerial 388/03 also indicates that workers who provide their activities outside the company headquarters are obliged to keep the vehicle within the medication package with the allocations set out in Annex 2 and a suitable means of communication to contact the company at order to quickly activate the National Health Service in an emergency.
reference article for first aid
The reference article for the company first aid is the No. 15. This reads as follows: 1. The employer, taking into account the nature of the activity and the size of the company or the productive unit heard the competent doctor where required, take the necessary measures for first aid and medical care emergency, taking into account any other persons present in the workplace and establishing the necessary contacts with external services, also for the transport of injured workers. 2. The employer, where not undertaken directly, designate one or more workers responsible for implementing the measures referred to in paragraph 1. 3. The minimum requirements for first aid equipment, requirements on staff and its training are identified in relation to the nature, the number of workers employed and risk factors, by decree of the Ministers for health, Labour and social security, the public and industry function, commerce and handicrafts, after consultation with the Standing advisory Committee and the Board of health. 4. Until the issue of the decree referred to in paragraph 3 shall apply the provisions in force. Simply put, the employer must evaluate or to assess carefully the type of risk of its activity and then, if necessary, instruct the staff or just a manager among its employees and, again if necessary, supplement Annex Reference the first aid kit with other medical devices.
Penalties for those who break the rules
Two other articles of that decree determine the "punishment" for the employer, or their agents, in case of default. The fines are likely to assessment, case by case, depending on the seriousness. For small businesses the sanctions can vary by a fine of three million (ITL) to eight million (ITL). Art. 89. - Violations committed by employers and managers. ...
a) by imprisonment from three to six months or a fine of three million pounds to eight million pounds for violation of Articles 4, paragraph 5 letter b), d), e), h), l), n ) eq); 7, paragraph 2; 12, paragraphs 1 letters d), e) and 4; 15, paragraph 1; 22, paragraphs 1 to 5; 30, paragraphs 3, 4, 5 and 6; 31, paragraphs 3 and 4; 32; 35, paragraphs 1, 2, 4 and 5; 38; 41; 43, paragraphs 3, 4 letters a), b), d) and g) and 5; 48; 49, paragraph 2; 52, paragraph 2; 54; 55, paragraphs 1, 3 and 4; 56, paragraph 2; 58; 62; 63, paragraph 3; 64; 65, paragraph 1; 66, paragraph 2; 67, paragraphs 1 and 2; 68; 69, paragraphs 1, 2 and 5 letter b); 77, paragraph 1; 78, paragraph 2; 79; 80, paragraph 1; 81, paragraphs 2 and 3; 82; 83; 85, paragraph 2; 86, paragraphs 1 and 2;
... Art. 90. - Violations committed by those in charge.
Those in charge are punished:
a) with imprisonment up to two months or a fine of between ITL 500 000 and ITL 2,000,000 for the violation of Articles 4, paragraph 5, letter b), d), e), h), l), n ) eq); 7, paragraph 2; 12, paragraphs 1, d), e) and 4; 15, paragraph 1; 30, paragraphs 3, 4, 5 and 6; 31, paragraphs 3 and 4; 32; 35, paragraphs 1, 2, 4 and 5; 41; 43, paragraphs 3, 4 letters a), b), d); 48; 52, paragraph 2; 54; 55, paragraphs 1, 3 and 4; 58; 62; 63, paragraph 3; 64; 65, paragraph 1; 67, paragraphs 1 and 2; 68; 69, paragraphs 1 and 2; 78, paragraph 2; 79; 80, paragraph 1; 81, paragraphs 2 and 3; 82; 83; 86, paragraphs 1 and 2;
Distinction of companies
As already said, the distinction between companies (activity with employees) is made mainly based on the number of employees of them, over 3 or less than 3. This is clear from what is stated in the Decree 388 of 15 July 2003:
Health Minister the Minister of Labour and Social Policy Minister for the Public Service Minister Activities' production: Having regard to Articles 12, paragraph 1, letters b) and c) and Article 15, paragraph 3 of the Decree legiallegato 1slativo September 19, 1994, n. 626, as amended, ...... adopt the following regulations: 1. The companies or the units 'production are classified, taking into account the type of activity' turning point, the number of workers employed and risk factors, three groups. Group A: I) Companies or units 'productive activities with' industrial, subject to the reporting or notification referred to in Article 2 of Legislative Decree 17 August 1999, n. 334, ...... .; II) Companies or units' production with more than five workers belonging or related to tariff groups ... ..; III) Companies or units' production with more than five permanent workers of the sector of agriculture. Group B: companies or units' production with three or more 'workers who do not fall into Group A. Group C: companies or units' production with fewer than three workers who do not fall in the group A. 2. The employer, after consulting the doctor responsible, where applicable, identify the category in which your company or units' production and, just in case belong to group a, the company communicates Unita 'Sanitaria Locale competent in the territory where the activity takes place' work, for the preparation of emergency operations necessary. If the company or units 'production plays activities' work included in several groups, the employer must refer to the attivita 'with more' high index. Organization of emergency 1. In companies or units' production of A and B group group, the employer must provide the following equipment: a) a first aid kit, held at each workplace, properly kept in a place easily accessible and identified with appropriate signage, containing the minimum equipment specified in Annex 1, which is part of this decree, to be integrated .... on the advice of the physician, ...; b) a means of communication suitable to quickly activate the emergency system of the National Health Service. 2. In companies or units' production of group C, the employer must provide the following equipment: a) medication package, ...., Adequately guarded and easily identified, containing the minimum equipment specified in Annex 2, ..., by ... incorporate, in collaboration with the competent doctor, ...; b) a means of communication suitable to quickly activate the emergency system of the National Health Service; 3. The minimum contents of the first aid kit and medication package, set out in Annexes 1 and 2, and 'updated by decree of the Ministers of Health and of Labour and social policies taking into account technical and scientific developments. 4. ......